Seal Burger

This is my first attempt to make a sushi burger. I called my special creation ‘Seal-a-Burger’.


This is very easy to make. I used basic ingredients (whatever I have in my pantry) to make the burger patty.

• 500g ground beef
• Bacon pieces
• Worchester Sauce
• Salt and pepper
1. Mix all ingredients together
2. Use the burger patty mould to make the perfect shape. Otherwise, you can just shape it using your hand.
3. Lay the burger patties on a baking tray and baked it at 200 degree celcius for about 20 minutes or until it’s done.

I used sushi rice which I’ve cooked it and shaped it like a bun for the top and bottom part of the ‘burger’. Place one of them at the bottome, add a few lettuces and sauce as you like, then put the burger patty on the lettuce. Then I cut a square norisheet (as big as the patty) and placed it on top of the patty to keep it altogether before putting the sushi rice on top.


As for this second version, I mix a bit of shaved bonito and furikake to the sushi rice before shaping it into a ‘bun’.

I used cut out cheese and norisheet for the eyes, nose and mouth.

As for the sides, I used blanched spinach top with shaved bonito, roma tomatoes and strawberries.

Here’s how it looks like when it goes into my lunchbox.



Here are all my Seal-a-Burger creation. Enjoy!


 The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do.  

~Kobe Bryant~

Follow Kidz -O- Bento creations on my instagram here. ~Thank you~

Relaxing Bears

I have been slack lately because I’ve been busy with work. I am really looking forward to a long relaxing break…”aahhh…”

I went to the supermarket the other day and saw this product on the shelf. It’s a can of Angus Beef and Red Wine soup. Quick and easy soup for busy weeknights 😛 .


(Please note that the product I used is based on my own opinions.)

I can smell the wine from the soup (So, supposedly it’s not suitable for young children :-p ). The overall taste is actually quite nice. I sauted (a whole) chopped onion with a bit of olive oil before adding the can of soup and sprinkled a bit of salt and pepper. Then, I made some cute bears, to slide down the bowl, which are made of mashed potatoes. I used cut out cheese to decorate the soup. Lastly, I used cut out nori sheet for their facial expressions.

Here are the cute bears indulging in their hot soup…

Guten Appetit! Enjoy the rest of your week!

Weekends are sacred for me. They are the perfect time to relax and spend time with my family and friends. 

~Marcus Samuelsson~

Follow Kidz -O- Bento creations on my Instagram here. ~Thank you~